The first thing I did to create
Sugar Sugar was melt and cut a notch in to the blue bin so that the fountain's wire would bend nicely over the edge of the bucket.
This is a picture of the fountain pump without the hose attached.
The masonite helped me to position the pieces and prepare them to be glued into place.
Attaching the wooden dowels to hold the sugar tin.
After I attached the sugar tin.
Attaching the support to the sugar tin, so it will be able to hold the 8x8 sugar cube cube.
Figuring out how many sugar cubes will nicely fit into the cookie tin.
Drilled a hole into the sugar tin for the output sugar to go.
Everything positioned together and glued
Where the beaker will go.
After attaching the hose to the cookie tin for the output to drain into the beaker.
Testing the fountain pump. Here comes the trouble. Apparently the fountain pump didn't enjoy trying to pump the water quite so vertically so I figured the water source needed to be heightened in order for the pump to pump properly. So after an improve fix, Sugar Sugar still manages to keep it's DIY look with a styrofoam base - which is actually a good thing, because it's easier and lighter to carry.
Here is the side view, nice styrofoam base. Though not attractive, IT WORKS!
In fact, it worked so well that I flooded the bathroom floor... Oops.
The pump, my foot.. WORKING. Haven't yet created the sugar cube, will post that later.
To stop a massive flow from coming out the hose I decided to stick a piece of the tube foam in the end of it - which creates a nice drip.
Next will be the post on how the sugar cube cube was created.