Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sugar Sugar FINAL Results

 Here are some of the final images of the destroyed cube and project.
 The fountain pump worked fine after a bit of a kick start!
 Here is a view of the tinted (green) water taking it's toll on the cube!
 Awkward sideways view of the final project.
 Destruction of the cube. Was very neat that the icing sugar held up against the water destruction! It formed like a honey comb effect. I think it would be interesting to apply this to future projects and see what an awesome effect it could have.
And last  we have a close up view of the cube.

In the end the project would have taken a lot more time and patience than I thought it would. I should have followed the suggestion of just using a string instead of tubing for the output sugars. Perhaps I will modify Sugar Sugar to see if it will make the process quicker and more efficient.